Josie Bicknelle - Mar 08 2023

Letting someone know you're there for them

Sometimes when people close to you are going through a difficult time - grief, a breakup, an illness - it can be really challenging to know how to reach out and let them know you’re thinking about them.

It can be impossible to find the right words to say, especially face to face.

I know a lot of you may relate to this feeling, and some of you may have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, but I find there to be something so intensely vulnerable and nerve-wracking about trying to verbally comfort someone when they’re in pain.

Within this past year, I’ve had two instances of people in my life having to unexpectedly face terrible hardships. One was diagnosed with cancer, and the other had lost somebody close to them.

Both times, I was faced with that sickening anxiety I often feel of wanting to reach out and let them know that I’m here to help, but not knowing how.

Luckily, as you may know, I happen to run a small business that had the perfect solution for me.

To be able to write what I wanted to express to those people in a hidden message candle was so incredibly freeing for me. It calmed all of my anxiety in not knowing how to say what I wanted to say, and meant so much to the people that I gifted them to - more than my words ever could.

I know that I may be biassed, but I am truly grateful that I've had the opportunity to use these candles for the people that I love in their times of need. I hope that they can bring you as much light and joy as they have for me.

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