Josie Bicknelle - June 6 2023
It's time for a change

As you may already know, Rob and I have been running Hoadys for just over 2 years now. We launched the website in February 2021, and things have certainly changed and evolved since then - but perhaps not enough.
Since starting the business we’ve gone through waves of changes - updating the website to fit our vibe, changing packaging designs, etc. But recently, we felt we needed an even bigger change.
Around a month or two ago, I remember sitting at my desk, with Rob complaining to me that we weren’t selling as many candles as we used to, and that he couldn’t understand why.
Without hesitation, I said, ‘the business is stale’. He seemed a little taken aback, and asked me what I’d meant. I explained to him that for a while now, I’d been feeling a little sick of making and sending out the same candles all the time, all with the same four messages - ‘I Love You’, ‘Bitch, You’re My Soulmate’, ‘Happy Birthday’ and custom candles.
We of course also have special occasion candles - like the Valentines and Christmas collections - but apart from that, everything has been pretty much the same since we started the business.
I said to him, ‘if you went onto a clothing website, and every time you looked at their products they only ever had the same four t-shirts, would you lose interest?’. I think that put the issue into perspective a little bit; for him and I both.
The problem with running a small business is that it’s quite terrifying taking risks, as you don’t have unlimited amounts of cash to throw at new products. But, equally, if you don’t take any risks, you’re not going to gain anything.
I think that the fear of the unknown, or whether a particular hidden message candle would sell, put both of us off expanding our product range for a long, long time.
So now, it’s finally time to make that change!
From this month onwards, we will officially be releasing three brand new hidden message candles every month.
The first of the new candles will be released this Friday - June 9th. I can’t tell you what they say yet, but all will be revealed soon.
I’m really genuinely excited for this change, and hope you all are, too. See you Friday!
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